Bird Alliance of Oregon and Columbia Land Trust co-manage the Backyard Habitat Certification Program.

We additionally partner with Friends of Tryon Creek and the Watershed Alliance to implement the program in Lake Oswego and Clark County.
Importance of collaborations
Partnerships and collaborations are essential parts of our program, both in helping us achieve increased habitat connectivity, and also by helping our program be more equitable and inclusive. Our collaborations with community based organizations help us engage diverse communities and learn more about how we can best serve the many communities that call our region home.

Working Groups and Community-Based Organizations
Working groups ensure that BHCP is operating in alignment with regional priorities. Community-based organizations, “friends of” groups, and other non-profit partners support outreach, publicity, special events, and equity initiatives.
Click to view Working Groups
- 4 County Cooperative Weed Management Association (CWMA)
- Clean Rivers Coalition
- Greening the Jade
- Greening School Yards Task Force (Leadership Committee)
- Indigenous Land Care Coalition
- Living Cully
- Oak Prairie Working Group (outreach sub-committee lead)
- Tree for All
- West Willamette Restoration Partnership
- Pacific Northwest Urban Meadowscaping Initiative
- Tabor to the River
Click to view Community-Based Organizations
- Centro Cultural
- Clackamas River Basin Council
- Columbia Slough Watershed Council
- Connecting Canopies
- Dharma Rain Zen Center
- Friends of Baltimore Woods
- Friends of Mt Tabor Park
- Friends of Nadaka Nature Park
- Friends of Overlook Bluff
- Friends of Terwilliger
- Friends of Trees
- Friends of Tryon Creek
- Green Lents
- Gresham Natural Resources & Sustainability Committee
- Habitat for Humanity
- Johnson Creek Watershed Council
- Land Trust Alliance*
- Oregon Food Bank
- North Clackamas Urban Watershed Council
- Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides
- Sandy River Watershed Council
- Sustainable Overlook
- Tryon Creek Watershed Council
- Verde
- Xerces Society
- Zenger Farm
- and countless neighborhood associations.

Growing Our Community
Get involved with our growing community!
We strive to create an inclusive community through our program. Find ways to connect with other nature-minded individuals, or check out some of the impactful projects we’re collaborating on with community partners.