

An informational flyer titled "Varieties, Cultivars, and Hybrids" from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program. It defines these terms and includes images of Ponderosa pine trees. The flyer explains the differences and provides examples of native and cultivated varieties.

Varieties, Cultivars, and Hybrids

By Susie Peterson / May 20, 2024

When shopping for native plants, you may notice variations on how plants are named. What do these variations mean and which ones are best for supporting wildlife? Here are a…

A man pushes a wheelbarrow containing small trees, buckets, and a young child wearing red rain boots. The scene takes place outdoors on a grassy area with trees and a parked vehicle in the background.

Portland Urban Forestry Yard Tree Giveaway

By Mariah Jiang / May 10, 2024

Free yard trees for Portlanders from Portland Parks & Recreation’s Urban Forestry.

A flyer depicting information about the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) in Oregon. It features their mission, services, and contact details. On the left is a photo of their office sign, and on the right are mission-related points with a green background.

Getting To Know The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District

By JP Marchetti-Mendez / March 8, 2024

WE ARE A SERVICE ORGANIZATION. The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a special service district headquartered in Oregon City, Oregon. We are governed by a board of…

A person wearing a red checkered shirt is pulling a clump of weeds from the ground. The text "WeedWise Clackamas SWCD" is in a circular logo at the top, and "We're pulling for you!" is written in the middle. The Clackamas Conservation District logo is at the bottom.

WeedWise Program

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District created the WeedWise Program in 2009 to deliver more effective weed management strategies within Clackamas County.

This image promotes the Tualatin River Watershed Navigator tool. The image features a serene river scene with lush greenery. The accompanying text highlights the tool's focus on understanding watersheds, nature, plant and soil health, and rain and storm impact.

Watershed Navigator (for Tualatin River Watershed Participants)

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

The Watershed Navigator is a resource for people who live and play in Oregon’s Tualatin River Watershed. It includes tools for your home, yard, and community and where to access…

Flyer for West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District services. Offers advice on meadowscaping how-to, invasive plant control, assistance with funding, and community projects. Contains contact info for Mary Logalbo, Urban Conservationist.

WMSWCD’s Handout

By JP Marchetti-Mendez / March 8, 2024

West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District provides resources, information, and expertise to inspire people to actively improve air and water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and soil health. The…

A poster with the title "TREEBATE: small investment BIG RETURNS." It shows a family in a yard with trees. A child swings on a tire, two adults grill food, and another child sits on the grass. The text promotes a utility bill credit for planting trees.

BES’ Treebate

By JP Marchetti-Mendez / March 8, 2024

Trees help keep our rivers and streams healthy. You can beautify your property and improve your community by planting a tree. Get a one-time credit on your City of Portland…

An infographic explaining Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with four steps. Prevention involves maintaining the lawn. Set thresholds means deciding when to act. Monitor entails keeping an eye on pest levels. Control involves using methods if necessary. OakTree Landscaping logo at the bottom.

Integrated Pest Management

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a multi-step pest control approach that aims to reduce pests while minimizing the use of pesticides. It involves identifying potential pests and implementing plans to…

A graphic with a blue background featuring black silhouettes of tree branches and a cat. The center of the image has a black bar with the white text "Take the Pledge!.

Cats Safe At Home

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Every cat deserves a safe home where they are loved, cared for, and kept free from hazards, yet tens of thousands of stray and feral cats roam our urban landscape,…

Backyard Habitat’s Certification Criteria Document

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Visit the Certification Criteria page on our website or this PDF document, which details the same information.

Text reads "Native Plants" overlaid with an image of plants, a butterfly, and a ladybug. Below the text is an illustration of purple flowers and more ladybugs with accompanying text about the benefits of using native plants in landscaping to control erosion.

BES’ Willamette Valley Native Plants Poster

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Naturescape for clean rivers and for wildlife habitat! Native plants are adapted to the climate and are naturally resistant to native pests and diseases. They require less water and need…

A dense growth of green plants covers a forested area. A large sign with a green background and yellow border in the foreground reads, "Invasive Plants." Below it, a yellow bar with black text reads, "Help Stop.

BES’ Help Stop Invasive Plants Poster

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Plants that are not native to our area reproduce rapidly and can spread quickly from yards and roadsides into parks and natural areas. Once there, they can inhibit the establishment…

A hummingbird hovers near pink flowers on a banner that reads, "Native plants for Willamette Valley yards. Good for wildlife. Good for gardens. Metro. From Metro and local partners.

Metro’s Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards Booklet

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

The native plants for Willamette Valley yards booklet includes 140 plants primarily native to the Portland metropolitan area. The guide offers detailed information on sun and moisture requirements, wildlife benefits,…

A "Lights Out Oregon" graphic promoting energy saving, bird conservation, and star visibility features text that reads: "Save Energy. Save Birds. See Stars." The image includes a logo for Bird Alliance of Oregon and silhouettes of birds against a starry night sky.

Take the Pledge to Go Lights Out

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Lights Out program helps reduce the impacts of light pollution on birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, plants, and humans. It also saves energy and money, reduces…

A brochure titled "Living with Urban Wildlife" from the Bird Alliance of Oregon. It includes sections on "Lights Out Portland" and "Birds & Windows," with an image of a bird that has collided with a window, and contact information for the organization.

Tips for Reducing Birds Window Strikes

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Article by Bird Alliance of Oregon

A flyer titled "Welcome!" from Columbia Land Trust and Bird Alliance of Oregon regarding the Backyard Habitat Certification Program. It details the program’s steps and benefits, and includes the organizations’ logos, contact information, and a "Resources" section with additional links.

Backyard Habitat’s Welcome Letter

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

On behalf of our two organizations, Columbia Land Trust and Bird Alliance of Oregon, Backyard Habitat wants to thank you for joining the thousands of other yards and greenspaces in…

A flyer from the Bird Alliance of Oregon. It lists their work efforts including protecting wildlife, educating about nature, rehabilitating wildlife, and stewarding wildlife sanctuaries. The address and other contact information are at the bottom.

Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Welcome Letter

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Bird Alliance of Oregon co-manages the Backyard Habitat Program. Bird Alliance inspires and connects all people to nature through a variety of programs that are grounded in science and learning.…

A flyer for the Backyard Habitat Certification Program by Columbia Land Trust. It features a group photo, pictures of plants and flowers, and text welcoming participants and providing details about the program's goal to restore native Northwest habitats. The Columbia Land Trust logo is at the bottom.

Columbia Land Trust’s Welcome Letter

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Columbia Land Trust co-manages the Backyard Habitat Program as part of a broad effort to conserve and restore land throughout the Columbia River Region. For more ways to engage with…

Flyer titled "Healthy Habitat Starts at Home" promoting free workshops on gardening topics like native plants, beneficial insects, urban weeds, and rain gardens. Includes contact info: website and phone number 503-222-7645. Advanced registration required.

EMSWCD’s Workshops and Events 

By JP Marchetti-Mendez / October 21, 2023

by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.

A guide titled "Naturescaping with Native Plants" features information on benefits of native plants, such as low maintenance and supporting local wildlife. Includes a U.S. map of ecoregions and a diagram depicting various native plant canopy layers.

Naturescaping with Native Plants 

By Mariah Jiang / October 21, 2023

Handout by the BHCP.