This article by West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District identifies a few ways you can prevent erosion control.
Need support for managing erosion and/or steep slopes? It’s worth getting the advice of a geotechnical engineer. They can also help with streambank restoration and permitting.
Tips from Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District for managing steep slopes and erosion on your property.
City of Portland guide for stormwater management solutions
City of Portland offers a discount on the on-site stormwater charges of your water bill when you safely contain the rain on your property and keep it out of the…
Xerces Society Blog on how leaves act as FREE mulch while providing crucial winter cover for pollinators and invertebrates.
The Watershed Navigator is a resource for people who live and play in Oregon’s Tualatin River Watershed. It includes tools for your home, yard, and community and where to access…
Website by WWRC about technical information and referrals for noxious weed removal, native plant landscaping, stormwater management, and natural gardening
Website by City of Lake Oswego
Guide by Depave for removing impervious surfaces in your yard. You’ll get a link upon submitting the form.
Webpage by Metro highlighting how composting can be easy and offers many benefits, from helping your garden grow greener – for free.
A handout by Bosky Dell and Backyard Habitat
Recorded presentation by Tualatin SWCD & West Multnomah SWCD about how different gardening practices can increase soil health.
Webpage by Tualatin Soil & Water Conservation District about building and maintaining healthy soil. Includes helpful resources for learning more about your soil.
Design template by City of Gresham
Design template by City of Gresham
Webpage by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District with info on how to manage your roof water onsite
Manual by OSU and EMSWCD on how to design, prep, and install a rain garden