We’ll use this post to talk about the local native plant sales happening before June 2023.

Scappoose Bay Watershed Council
April 8, 2023, @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Scappoose High School at 33700 SE High School Way, Scappoose, Oregon 97056.
The Scappoose Bay Watershed Council offers native trees and shrubs to landowners interested in enhancing natural areas on their property. This successful program has created goodwill in the community and led to the developing of other restoration projects through connections with property owners. Volunteers assist in collecting seeds and cuttings throughout our watershed to provide a diverse genetic stock for the propagation of plants. These indigenous Oregon species are used in restoration projects and sold at our bi-annual plant sales.
More information is on their website.

Sparrowhawk Native Plants
Native Plants for Spring 2023!
Leaf buds are getting plump, early nesters are partnering up, and gardeners are itching to get our hands dirty! After another long winter, there’s never been a more important time to fill our gardens with plants that will support pollinators, birds, and other wildlife, sequester carbon, and reconnect us to the land.
Online ordering for Sparrowhawk’s spring season starts Feb. 26th at 9 am for April & May pick-up!
Through Sparrowhawk Native Plants, you pre-order plants from the comfort of your couch and pick them up from one of four convenient locations in April and/or May. A percent of all proceeds support an inspiring line-up of community partners; Friends of Baltimore Woods, Leach Botanical Garden, Friends of Tualatin Hills Nature Park, and North Clackamas Watersheds Council.

Friends of Baltimore Woods
Friends of Baltimore Woods will have their spring plant sale through Sparrowhawk Native Plants. Online ordering begins February 26th to March 26th at www.sparrowhawknativeplants.com.
Proceeds from the plant sale are shared with several worthy community partners. To help us, you can select Friends of Baltimore Woods at checkout when paying for your plant purchases, and a portion of your purchase will support our work. After purchasing, you will pick up your plants at the pop-up sale on April 28-29 (see calendar entry for location).

The HPSO Hortlandia spring plant and garden festival will be held this year on April 7th and 8th at the Wingspan building at the Westside Commons (formerly the Washington County Fairgrounds) in Hillsboro, Oregon. Hortlandia is one of the premiere Northwest gardening events bringing together small specialist nurseries and garden-themed artists from across the Northwest. Friday night’s early shopping event is a great way to feed your gardening passion and be the first to buy special plants and art. Nursery owners and artists will be on hand to talk with shoppers about their plants and art.
Friday night, April 7, 2023, the sale will be open from 5 – 8 pm. Advance tickets for $25.00 will be on sale starting in March, with additional availability at the door. Saturday, April 8, 2023, the sale will be open to the public from 9 am-4 pm. Tickets are $5.00 for shopping between 9 am – 3 pm, shopping is free from 3 – 4 pm. Tickets will go on sale in March and be available at the door.

Washington County Master Gardener Association
Gardenfest Plant Sale: Saturday, May 6th, 2023. 9 am – 1 pm
Great Prices and Large Selection!
Join Washington County Master Gardeners for a fun-filled day shopping for amazing plants, getting ideas from our Education Garden, and asking questions at our “Let’s Talk Plants” booth. There will be kids’ activities and Gifts for Gardeners, too.
Event will be held at PCC Rock Creek Campus Hoop House area near Building 4 – 17705 NW Springville Road, Portland. Free parking
For more information, visit www.washingtoncountymastergardeners.org