Resource Library

This page provides links to resources to help anyone create habitat. Use the search bar below and filters on the left to find information on specific topics.

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Local how-to-guide for landscaping with White Oak by Mark Griswold Wilson and Ted Labbe.

Handout by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.

When shopping for native plants, you may notice variations on how plants are named. What do these variations mean and which ones are best for supporting wildlife? Here are a few tips for understanding name terms and how they show up on plant tags.

Check out our blog for posts showcasing inspiring habitat gardens!

Naturescape for clean rivers and for wildlife habitat! Native plants are adapted to the climate and are naturally resistant to native pests and diseases. They require less water and need no chemical applications for them to thrive. Using native plants can reduce the amount of pollution in stormwater runoff to our waterways

Illustrated report providing in-depth info on collection methods, timing, and much more by Xerces Society.

How-to manual by Pollinator Parkways

by Backyard Habitat Certification Program

by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.

by King County

By Oregon State University Extension

The following is a list of native plants taken from the OSUniversity Extension publication, “Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes.” Most of the species below are readily available from various native plant nurseries in the Willamette Valley and NW Oregon and they’ll compliment other common objectives of local landowners who wish to provide wildlife and pollinator habitat.

by City of Portland