Resource Library

This page provides links to resources to help anyone create habitat. Use the search bar below and filters on the left to find information on specific topics.

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2-part virtual workshop (co-hosted by Backyard Habitat, Clackamas River Basin Council, Clackamas SWCD & National Wildlife Federation) about gardening practices to support wildlife & create habitat

Co-hosted by Backyard Habitat, Clackamas River Basin Council, Clackamas SWCD & National Wildlife Federation, about gardening practices to support wildlife & create habitat

handout by University of California

Un folleto creado por Bird Alliance of Oregon para alentar a las personas a reducir la contaminación lumínica.

Handy tips for creating a robust habitat garden on a budget!

Guidelines for creating and managing habitat for dragonflies and damselflies

Handout by Bat Conservation International

DIY Guides In PDFs & Videos For Attracting Nesters

Handout by Bird Alliance of Oregon

A short video (3 minutes) by Bird Alliance of Oregon on what causes birds to hit windows & actions to take to prevent birds from hitting windows

Article by Bird Alliance of Oregon

Website with comprehensive info about catio (i.e. cat patio) construction, strategies for keeping cats and wildlife safe, taking the pledge to keep your cat indoors, and much more by Bird Alliance of Oregon and the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon