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Best Practices in Responding to the Bird Flu
Las plantas nativas se adaptan al clima y son naturalmente resistentes a las plagas y enfermedades nativas. Requieren menos agua y no necesitan aplicaciones químicas para que prosperen. El uso…
Todas las plantas afectan su entorno. Las plantas invasoras que no son nativas de esta área pueden dañar la infraestructura, la salud de las personas, los recursos naturales y el…
When shopping for native plants, you may notice variations on how plants are named. What do these variations mean and which ones are best for supporting wildlife? Here are a…
This article by West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District identifies a few ways you can prevent erosion control.
Need support for managing erosion and/or steep slopes? It’s worth getting the advice of a geotechnical engineer. They can also help with streambank restoration and permitting.
Tips from Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District for managing steep slopes and erosion on your property.
Handy tips for creating a robust habitat garden on a budget!
By Oregon State University Extension The following is a list of native plants taken from the OSUniversity Extension publication, “Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes.” Most of the species below are…
Article by Bird Alliance of Oregon
Metro offers tips and tricks for dealing with garden pests
A how-to guide from TSWCD on propagating perennial woody plants.
Xerces Society Blog on how leaves act as FREE mulch while providing crucial winter cover for pollinators and invertebrates.
Article by Bird Alliance of Oregon
Presentation by Columbia Land Trust
Un folleto creado por Bird Alliance of Oregon para alentar a las personas a reducir la contaminación lumínica.
Handout by Bird Alliance of Oregon