

An informational flyer titled "Varieties, Cultivars, and Hybrids" from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program. It defines these terms and includes images of Ponderosa pine trees. The flyer explains the differences and provides examples of native and cultivated varieties.

Varieties, Cultivars, and Hybrids

By Susie Peterson / May 20, 2024

When shopping for native plants, you may notice variations on how plants are named. What do these variations mean and which ones are best for supporting wildlife? Here are a…

Planting for Erosion Control & Slopes

By Susie Peterson / May 14, 2024

This article by West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District identifies a few ways you can prevent erosion control.

Geotechnical Engineers

By Susie Peterson / May 14, 2024

Need support for managing erosion and/or steep slopes? It’s worth getting the advice of a geotechnical engineer. They can also help with streambank restoration and permitting.

Steep Slopes and Erosion

By Susie Peterson / May 14, 2024

Tips from Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District for managing steep slopes and erosion on your property.

Backyard Habitat on a Budget

By Susie Peterson / April 8, 2024

Handy tips for creating a robust habitat garden on a budget!

Fire Resistant Native Plants

By Susie Peterson / April 8, 2024

By Oregon State University Extension The following is a list of native plants taken from the OSUniversity Extension publication, “Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes.” Most of the species below are…

Birds and Windows

By Susie Peterson / March 29, 2024

Article by Bird Alliance of Oregon

Garden problems

By Katherine Noble / March 12, 2024

Metro offers tips and tricks for dealing with garden pests

Grow Native Plants with the Cutting and Staking Method

By Katherine Noble / March 12, 2024

A how-to guide from TSWCD on propagating perennial woody plants.

Leave the Leaves

By Katherine Noble / March 12, 2024

Xerces Society Blog on how leaves act as FREE mulch while providing crucial winter cover for pollinators and invertebrates.

A brochure titled "Living with Urban Wildlife" from the Bird Alliance of Oregon. It includes sections on "Lights Out Portland" and "Birds & Windows," with an image of a bird that has collided with a window, and contact information for the organization.

Tips for Reducing Birds Window Strikes

By Mariah Jiang / March 8, 2024

Article by Bird Alliance of Oregon

Caring for Mason Bees

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Presentation by Columbia Land Trust

Apague Las Luces

By JP Marchetti-Mendez / October 21, 2023

Un folleto creado por Bird Alliance of Oregon para alentar a las personas a reducir la contaminación lumínica.

Lights Out Fact Sheet (in English)

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Handout by Bird Alliance of Oregon

Minimizing Light Pollution and Lights Out Portland

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Website by Bird Alliance of Oregon

Converting Outdoor Cats to Indoor Living

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Webpage by Cats Safe at Home

Protecting Birds in Your Backyard

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Webpage by Bird Alliance of Oregon on being a good neighbor to wildlife

Providing Water for Birds

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Article by Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Backyard Ponds

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Guidelines for creating and managing habitat for dragonflies and damselflies

How to Create a Garden Pond for Wildlife

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by Oregon State University Extension