

Wildlife Brush Shelters

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Article by National Wildlife Federation

Snags – the Wildlife Tree

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Article by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Bat Houses FAQ and Construction

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by Bat Conservation International

How to Create Roosts for Bat in your Yard

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Article by Oregon State University Extension

Bird Nest Box Instructions

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Handout by Bird Alliance of Oregon

Urban Beavers

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Tree Squirrels

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Article by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Pacific Chorus Frog

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Beneficial Garden Insects 

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

handout by University of California

Native Hedgerows

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout with basic info for selecting native hedgerow plants by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.

DIY Pollinator Parking Strips 

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

How-to manual by Pollinator Parkways

Meadowscaping Handbook (Great for Pollinators)

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Colorful book outlining locally-specific best practices for designing and installing a native meadow by West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.

Conserving Oregon White Oak on Urban and Suburban Landscapes

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Local how-to-guide for landscaping with White Oak by Mark Griswold Wilson and Ted Labbe.

Native Plant Propagation Guide

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Guide with more in-depth instruction for propagating native plants from hardwood cuttings by WSU Extension.

Hardwood Propagation From Cuttings

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout with basic information on species and methods for propagation (by Backyard Habitat Certification Program).

Collecting And Using Your Own Wildflower Seed 

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Illustrated report providing in-depth info on collection methods, timing, and much more by Xerces Society.

Watershed Approach to Landscape Design

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Presentation, a holistic resource for developing a successful naturescaping project. Soil health, appropriate plants, and much more by Green Gardens Group.

Grow Your Own Native Landscape 

By JP Marchetti-Mendez / October 21, 2023

Illustrated guide to growing your own PNW native plants. Be sure to cross-reference with Portland Plant List to determine which are locally native by Washington State University Extension.

Sheet Mulching To Remove Lawn

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.

A guide titled "Naturescaping with Native Plants" features information on benefits of native plants, such as low maintenance and supporting local wildlife. Includes a U.S. map of ecoregions and a diagram depicting various native plant canopy layers.

Naturescaping with Native Plants 

By Mariah Jiang / October 21, 2023

Handout by the BHCP.