

A hummingbird hovers near pink flowers on a plant. Text above says "Plantas nativas" and below promotes native plants for gardens in the Willamette Valley. The bottom green section has a logo and mentions Metro and its local partners.

Metro’s Plantas Nativas Para Los Jardines Del Valle Del Willamette

By Mariah Jiang / January 23, 2025
Three people are crouched down in a wooded area, wearing casual outdoor clothing and gloves. They are smiling at the camera. Above them is a logo for the Watershed Alliance of Southwest Washington with a dragonfly design.

Watershed Alliance Brochure

By Mariah Jiang / January 21, 2025

Revitalizando Nuestras Áreas Naturales Y Espacios Urbanos

A screenshot of a website,, showing a section on pests and weeds control. The zoomed-in segment highlights the navigation menu with tabs for "Pests," "Good Bugs," "Resources," and "Glossary." Results of a search are displayed on the right.

Reducción de pesticidas

By Mariah Jiang / November 20, 2024
Text reads "Plantas Nativas" at the top with a butterfly near the word. Below is a description about native plants set against a wave-like blue background. On the left, pink flowers with long green stems and several ladybugs are visible.

Plantas nativas del valle de Willamette

By Mariah Jiang / November 20, 2024

Las plantas nativas se adaptan al clima y son naturalmente resistentes a las plagas y enfermedades nativas. Requieren menos agua y no necesitan aplicaciones químicas para que prosperen. El uso…

Lush greenery of various plants and trees is overgrown, with ivy covering tree trunks. A prominent sign in Spanish reads, "Ayude a detener a las plantas invasoras," translating to "Help stop invasive plants.

Ayude a detener a las plantas invasoras

By Mariah Jiang / November 20, 2024

Todas las plantas afectan su entorno. Las plantas invasoras que no son nativas de esta área pueden dañar la infraestructura, la salud de las personas, los recursos naturales y el…

A bird lies on its side on a flat surface. The background has a blurred tree silhouette and text in Spanish. Also visible is the Portland Audubon logo with the slogan "Together for Nature.

Apague Las Luces

By Mariah Jiang / October 21, 2023

Un folleto creado por Bird Alliance of Oregon para alentar a las personas a reducir la contaminación lumínica.

A form titled "Hoja de registro de plantas nativas" from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program. It includes sections for plant species, number of plants, and vegetation levels. The form provides instructions in Spanish, and there is a logo at the top left corner.

Hoja De Seguimiento De Plantas Nativas

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Un documento descargable que le permite llevar la cuenta de las plantas nativas que ha agregado a su jardín.