

How to Plant Native Plants

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District has simple tips that will help ensure that the plants you plant today will thrive for years to come.

How to Plant a Tree

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Proper Tree Planting & Site Selection from

Northwest Meadowscapes

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Regional seed producer that focus on native species.

Local Native Plant Nursery Map

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

By partnering with local nurseries, we aim to improve the availability of locally native plants. Use our handy, interactive map to make smart nursery choices. Click on any nursery icon…

A form titled "Hoja de registro de plantas nativas" from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program. It includes sections for plant species, number of plants, and vegetation levels. The form provides instructions in Spanish, and there is a logo at the top left corner.

Hoja De Seguimiento De Plantas Nativas

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Un documento descargable que le permite llevar la cuenta de las plantas nativas que ha agregado a su jardín.

A tracking sheet titled "Native Plants Tracking Sheet" from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program. It includes a section for entering plant species, the number of plants, and canopy layers. Text at the top explains the purpose and importance of tracking the plants.

Native Plants Tracking Sheet (in English)

By Mariah Jiang / October 21, 2023

Tracking sheet to use to keep track of how many native plants you add to your yard

Oregon Flora

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Website by OSU. Make sure to filter by the Willamette Valley ecoregion

Hansen’s Northwest Native Plant Database

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Website with extensive info on regionally native plants

Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Searchable website database by Mark Turner, with gorgeous images

Plants for Pollinators in Oregon

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Technical report by USDA/National Resource Conservation Service 

Pacific NW Plants for Bees

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by Xerces Society

Deer Resistant Native Plants

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Plant list by King County

Pollinator Plants and Bloom Periods

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by WMSWCD

Naturescaping for Hummingbirds and Butterflies

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Handout by EMSWCD

Native Plants Used as Food by Wildlife

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

Excerpt of the Portland Plant List by City of Portland

Native Plants for Erosion Control and Slopes

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

A handout by Bosky Dell and Backyard Habitat

Butterflies and Hosts Plants

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

A handout by WMSWCD

Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards

By Dennis Vieira / October 21, 2023

A booklet by Metro with excellent photos and icons showcasing native plants that are beneficial for wildlife, bees, etc.

Condensed Portland Plant List Plants by Condition

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

A shortened, condensed list of more readily available native plants from the Portland Plant List (organized by light condition & canopy layer)

Gardening with Oregon Natives

By Susie Peterson / October 21, 2023

Great article from the Oregon State University Extension, written by Linda R. McMahan.