Handout with basic information on species and methods for propagation (by Backyard Habitat Certification Program).
Illustrated report providing in-depth info on collection methods, timing, and much more by Xerces Society.
Presentation, a holistic resource for developing a successful naturescaping project. Soil health, appropriate plants, and much more by Green Gardens Group.
Illustrated guide to growing your own PNW native plants. Be sure to cross-reference with Portland Plant List to determine which are locally native by Washington State University Extension.
Handout by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.
Handout by the BHCP.
Slideshow by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.
Un documento descargable que le permite llevar la cuenta de las plantas nativas que ha agregado a su jardín.
Tracking sheet to use to keep track of how many native plants you add to your yard
Guide by Depave for removing impervious surfaces in your yard. You’ll get a link upon submitting the form.
Technical report by USDA/National Resource Conservation Service
Handout by Xerces Society
Plant list by King County
Handout by WMSWCD
Handout by EMSWCD
Excerpt of the Portland Plant List by City of Portland
A handout by Bosky Dell and Backyard Habitat
A handout by WMSWCD
A booklet by Metro with excellent photos and icons showcasing native plants that are beneficial for wildlife, bees, etc.
A shortened, condensed list of more readily available native plants from the Portland Plant List (organized by light condition & canopy layer)
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